Teeth whitening, or bleaching, as some call it, is a simple, safe and non-invasive way to change the colour of your natural tooth enamel. Whitening is also the ideal way to easily and quickly enhance the beauty of your smile. Having whiter teeth can be simple to attain, and is the most conservative way to improve your smile. The most popular way is to use a dentist-made, custom home teeth-whitening system that will effectively whiten teeth dramatically for most people. Our custom teeth whitening system is guaranteed to get you results! Since teeth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, it is important to evaluate your teeth prior to this treatment, to plan the replacement of any old white fillings or crowns so that they match your newly whitened teeth. Please contact us to book a complimentary evaluation to find the best whitening option for you.
Whitening Process
The most popular and effective whitening system is a custom-made system that will whiten teeth dramatically for most people. Since teeth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, it is important to have your teeth evaluated by a dentist prior to this treatment, to plan the replacement of any old white fillings or crowns on your front teeth, so that they match your newly whitened teeth.
Take-home trays are custom-made to fit your teeth. In the comfort of your own home, a peroxide whitening gel is placed in the custom tray once or twice a day for only 30 minutes. We will demonstrate exactly how to place the gel in your trays. You can watch a TV show and have whiter teeth at the same time! Depending on the colour of your teeth and your desired outcome, the average person whitens for 5-10 days.
Teeth Whitening Touch-Ups
Teeth whitening is not permanent. A touch-up is often needed, especially if you drink coffee, tea, wine, or if you smoke. Future touch-ups are an easy one-time 30-minute application. We recommend touching up whitening every 3-6 months, to maintain and preserve your new whiter teeth. Take-home trays can be a very inexpensive way to freshen up your smile for years to come.
We also provide an in-office ZOOM whitening treatment that allows for both ease and efficiency when it comes to your busy life. Within a short two-hour period, we apply a special highly concentrated light-activated gel that leaves you walking out confident, with whiter teeth within a few hours. We can fabricate custom take-home trays for you to maintain your teeth at home, after completion of this in-office procedure. Feel free to book an in-office, virtual, or phone consultation to see if this one-step whitening process will work for you!